National Security News

Reporting the facts on national security

National Security News

united kingdom

Russia beats a retreat from Kherson in a fresh humiliation for Putin

Putin’s forces beat a retreat from Kherson in fresh humiliation for Russia’s President.

Wagner Group mercenaries decimated in the Ukraine, prompting a worldwide search for replacements

Wagner Group suffering massive losses in the Ukraine, turns to prisoners with HIV as replacements.


Media-led outrage over pilots and other service personnel working overseas may be missing the point.

UK’s leading security body elected Russian board member with ties to Putin

Stanford graduate Anna Spiridonova was elected to the board of the UK’s Security Institute – despite her family’s ties to the Kremlin and Putin.

Reinventing Ana: The Stanford University graduate who rocked the British security establishment 

Ana was a star of the Stanford ski team, and a shooting champion at her private boarding school in Kent.

Honeytrap warning goes out to British military as China targets top officials

A Chinese honeytrap spy targeted a British Army officer in a hotel which is the former home of MI6.