National Security News

Reporting the facts on national security

National Security News


WHO worries over new DRC MPOX strain, confidence in South African containment 

22 cases of MPOX have been identified in South Africa leading to three deaths. 16 patients have recovered and three are considered as ‘active cases.’

Africa leaders want to fortify info space against Russian propaganda

African leaders from every corner of the continent have voiced growing concern about the destabilising effects of this disinformation on their countries, said Gen. Michael Langley, commander of U.S. Africa Command, at an African Chiefs of Defence Conference in Botswana

Iran’s bid for Nigerien uranium mining licence triggers nuclear fears

Iran and Niger cemented a secret ‘yellow cake’ uranium deal in late April for the delivery of 300 tons of uranium in exchange for drones-and-surface to air missiles.  

“Vulnerable” Lagos, Africa’s largest city, at risk of terrorist attacks

Lagos has a vulnerable population, an attack on a church, mosque, market, or bus stop could result in mass casualties.

Is Zuma and MK planning another insurrection in South Africa with the Russian GRU’s support?

Opinion Piece, NSN Colonel Nikolai Tsybulia, ostensibly the Defence Attaché at the Russian Embassy in South Africa, at first glance appears to be every bit an officer of the Russian Naval Infantry, often called the Russian Marines by Westen military…

SAMIM withdrawal from Cabo Delgado: uncomfortable truths

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) military mission in Mozambique (SAMIM), which was deployed on 15 July 2021 to fight the Islamic insurgents terrorising the northern Cabo Delgado province is scheduled to end by mid-July 2024. Mozambican security forces will…

ANC Favours Unity Government, Voters Want ANC-DA Coalition – Survey

SRF survey found strong support among ANC and DA voters for a coalition between the two parties.

South African Elections will reveal SA’s exposure to digital influence as a service

As the South African elections get under way, ISS Africa examines how vulnerable South Africa is to misinformation and disinformation through unverifiable social media posts, designed to influence voters. ISS discusses how information integrity is essential to protect democratic principals…

US President names Kenya as a major non-Nato ally.

US President Joe Biden has named Kenya as a major non-Nato ally, making it the first sub-Saharan African country to receive that designation. Mr Biden announced the move during a three-day state visit by Kenyan President William Ruto. It is…

‘Bizarre’ Coup by US Nationals Foiled in DRC, Threatening Western Interests – Daniel van Dalen, Signal Risk 

A coup attempt against President Félix Tshisekedi’s government in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has been foiled, resulting in three deaths.