National Security News

Reporting the facts on national security

National Security News


China’s Hacking Network: Talent competitions fuel state espionage

China is recruiting talented citizens through local “hacking competitions” and weaponising their talents to attack Western governments, according to a report by ETH Zurich University’s Centre for Security Studies. The revelation, coupled with recent admissions by Dutch officials about the…

Russian spy expelled from the UK.

The Russian agent expelled from Britain for spying is Maxim Elovik, an intelligence officer working under the cover of the defence attaché to the UK.Elovik – who has been in Britain for around a decade – is believed to be…

Decisive Action on Spyware: Unprecedented Cybersecurity Pact Unveiled at London Conference

In the clandestine realm of cyberspace, where espionage meets the digital frontier, a chilling truth is unveiled. Spyware, touted as a guardian of national security, reveals its sinister side, orchestrating hacking-for-hire campaigns that target civil society, political dissidents, and journalists….

EXCLUSIVE: NSN speaks with former CIA expert Nicholas Eftimiades on Beijing’s sights on the Moon and NASA’s race back

NSN discusses China’s intelligence operations and motives in space exploration with author and educator Nicholas Eftimiades, an American government official who served in the CIA, DIA, and US Department of State, best known for his work on China and national…

Caught in the Act: Unravelling Tech Espionage – Chinese National Trespassing Raises National Security Concerns

Caught trespassing on SpaceX’s premises on 16 November 2023, Zhaoning Jiang, a Chinese national, claimed innocence, citing casual photo-taking as his motive. However, his intrusion into the grounds has sparked alarm bells about potential tech espionage. SpaceX, renowned for pioneering…

MI5 Predicts Maths Graduates Will Be the Spies of the Future

Maths Graduates Will Be Spies of the Future, Says MI5.

The Spy Who Duped Me: Chinese Agent Jailed After Unwittingly Boasting About Exploits to Undercover Fed

Chinese Spy Who Became A US Army Reservist and Planned to Infiltrate NASA jailed for eight years.

Suspected double agent arrested over fears he may have passed on wiretap intelligence to Russia

German Security Services arrest one of their own as a suspected double agent, moonlighting for Russia.