National Security News

Reporting the facts on national security

National Security News


Ukraine winning the world’s first digital war – British Army boss

Russia is also losing the digital war in the Ukraine, says UK army chief.

Britain and Sweden move against spies recruited by the Russian GRU

Russian spies unearthed in Germany and Sweden facing years behind bars.

How Twitter will change (radically) in the Elon Musk era

What the recent changes in Twitter mean for Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).

Putin’s Cyber war against the Ukraine going as badly as the one on the ground

NSN partners with Cybertech NYC to report on some of the key security issues in the world today.

Russia beats a retreat from Kherson in a fresh humiliation for Putin

Putin’s forces beat a retreat from Kherson in fresh humiliation for Russia’s President.

Lukashenko positions Belarus to ‘jump the shark’

Allowing Russian forces and ballistics to deploy to his country is coming back to haunt Lukashenko.