National Security News

Reporting the facts on national security

National Security News


Suspicious Russian deaths since the Ukraine war

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, up to 18 serving and former members of the Russian high command have died – many in unexplained circumstances. National Security News lists the Russian generals and senior politicians – some of…

Ukraine’s path to Nato membership is “irreversible”.

Nato members meeting at the 75th anniversary of the alliance have pledged their support for an “irreversible path” to future membership for Ukraine.While a formal timeline for it to join the military organisation was not agreed at a summit in…

U.S. shuts down Russian AI-powered disinformation bot farm

The United States Department of Justice announced that it has disrupted a Russian sponsored AI-powered social media campaign used to spread disinformation across the internet. The Justice Department said it had collaborated with international partners in Canada and the Netherlands…

Britain’s new Prime Minister will reinforce the UK’s commitment to NATO at Washington summit.

Britain’s new Prime Minister will make his debut on the world stage next week when he joins other Western leaders at the US-hosted NATO summit in Washington.Sir Keir Starmer, who won a landslide victory as leader of the Labour Party,…

Russian hacker used U.S. company system to hack Ukraine government

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is offering a $10m USD reward for the capture of a Russian computer hacker responsible for launching a string of damaging cyber attacks in the U.S. and Ukraine. The FBI have placed Amin Timovich Stigal…

Africa leaders want to fortify info space against Russian propaganda

African leaders from every corner of the continent have voiced growing concern about the destabilising effects of this disinformation on their countries, said Gen. Michael Langley, commander of U.S. Africa Command, at an African Chiefs of Defence Conference in Botswana

AI for Good: Ukraine deploys a new “tool” in its fight against disinformation

Ukraine has launched an internet-based tool to expose propaganda and help counter Russian disinformation, according to Volodymyr Borodiansky, media executive and former Ukrainian Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports. War of Words uses artificial intelligence (AI) to analyse over 100,000…

Is Zuma and MK planning another insurrection in South Africa with the Russian GRU’s support?

Opinion Piece, NSN Colonel Nikolai Tsybulia, ostensibly the Defence Attaché at the Russian Embassy in South Africa, at first glance appears to be every bit an officer of the Russian Naval Infantry, often called the Russian Marines by Westen military…

Russian warships and a nuclear submarine will visit Cuba amid rising tensions with the US.

Four Russian warships and a nuclear-powered submarine will enter Cuban waters next week as part of a preplanned set of military exercises between the two countries.The disclosure immediately drew comparisons with the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 when the then…

Russia’s disinformation campaigns intensify ahead of Paris Olympics 2024

As the world eagerly anticipates the start of the 2024 Paris Olympics next month, a darker shadow looms over the festivities. The Microsoft Threat Analysis Centre (MTAC) has sounded the alarm on a significant uptick in malign influence campaigns orchestrated…