National Security News

Reporting the facts on national security

National Security News


How Chinese propagandists use threats of death, rape and assault to suppress dissent over Xinjiang

Social media trolling, which “frequently evolve (s) into threats of death, rape, or assault”, is being deployed by China to suppress reports of atrocities against Uyghurs and other minorities in the Xinjiang region, according to a newly released US Department…

First it was fuel prices now it’s electronic chips in your phones and cars which are set to soar in price – bleak economic news looms over the “new Ukraine.”

Economists are warning of a global hi-tech doomsday scenario in which Chinese moves to annex or erect a trade blockade around Taiwan spark inflation-busting price rises for mobile phones and other hi-tech “must haves.” Their concern stems from parallels between…

Twitter purges fake Chinese Dragonbridge accounts

Attempts by a pro-China group to spark a boycott of western competitors in the Rare Earths market through a social media disinformation campaign have been dealt a severe and much-welcome body blow. National Security News can reveal that Twitter has…

Pro-China group uses Dragonbridge campaign to target rare earth mining companies

A pro-China disinformation campaign has targeted rare earth mining companies from Australia, Canada, and the U.S. with destructive messaging about operations, in an attempt to manipulate public opinion to China’s benefit.  US cyber security firm, Mandiant, reported firms targeted in the online…

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy … she’s slipped Away … err bye

The UK is facing the international embarrassment of having to concede that an SRA-regulated lawyer, whom MI5 outed as an agent of the Chinese state, has vanished with the authorities unable to land a proverbial glove on her.  Six months…