National Security News

Reporting the facts on national security

National Security News


AI Arms Race: China could have killer robots on the battlefield in two years

China could deploy fully autonomous military weapons onto the battlefield within two years, according to a leading weapons expert. Defence analyst Francis Tusa said China was not hindered by the ethical concerns surrounding so-called killer robots and was developing autonomous…

China’s Hacking Network: Talent competitions fuel state espionage

China is recruiting talented citizens through local “hacking competitions” and weaponising their talents to attack Western governments, according to a report by ETH Zurich University’s Centre for Security Studies. The revelation, coupled with recent admissions by Dutch officials about the…

Fighting Fire with Fire: Our Policy of Deterrence Towards Iran Lies in Tatters – Why the West Must Start Fighting Back

With Iran continuing its sabre-rattling in the Middle East, NSN speaks with Henry Jackson Society Senior Research Fellow Barak Seener, at the launch of his new report, Restoring Deterrence: Destabilising the Iranian Regime, where Seener calls for a new Iran…

Chinese mercenaries are fighting for Russia in Ukraine.

Former members of the Chinese Army are fighting for Russia in Ukraine as part of an international force of mercenaries recruited by the Kremlin.Videos on social media have allegedly shown two former members of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) recalling…

US Must Collaborate, Not Compete, with China in Africa

As the world moves towards a multipolar system, Africa’s future holds weight. Jakkie Cilliers, Head of African Futures and Innovation at ISS Pretoria, analyses this shift in a recent ISS Today article. He argues that the US needs to adapt…

China Woos the West as Xi Meets with Western Leaders

As China’s foreign policy becomes more aggressive and centralised, the world is seeing a new international order. In this article, published originally by The Conversation, Professor of International Security Stefan Wolff explores how Xi’s meetings with foreign leaders shows China’s…

Tensions Rise in the East China Sea After Several Chinese Warships Enter Taiwan Coastal Waters

Tensions in the East China Sea have increased after the Taiwan Ministry of National Defence revealed that it detected seven Chinese naval vessels and five of its military aircraft operating around the island.   One of the People’s Liberation Army aircraft…

China’s UK election hack – how and why the Electoral Commission was targeted

Soraya Harding, University of Portsmouth via The Conversation The UK government has accused China of hacking the UK Electoral Commission, gaining access to information about millions of voters. In the aftermath of the incident, the UK and US governments have…

Thomas-Greenfield Slams China and Russia’s Decision to Block US-Led Resolution on the War in The Middle East 

On Friday, the UN Security Council dismissed a new US draft resolution, calling for an “immediate and sustained cease-fire” in Gaza contingent on the release of the remaining hostages being held by Hamas. The failed resolution comes after China and…

The World Is Becoming Increasingly Fragile, US Spy Chiefs Say in Their Annual Threat Assessment 

 The United States faces an “increasingly fragile world order,” strained by great power competition, transnational challenges and regional conflicts, intelligence agencies have stated.  The disclosures emerged in the 2024 Annual Threat Assessment report issued by the US Intelligence Community on…