Sean Rayment
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Honeytrap warning goes out to British military as China targets top officials
A Chinese honeytrap spy targeted a British Army officer in a hotel which is the former home of MI6.
Porton Down scientists probe secrets of Russian “stealth” tank – helping Ukraine forces down even more
British Intelligence chiefs have uncovered the secrets of Russia’s most sophisticated operational tank.
Summer camps for indoctrination: Russians teach Ukrainian children how to fire guns
DISTURBING pictures have emerged of Ukrainian children in Russia-occupied Mariupol being trained in the use of firearms and mine sweepers The images were passed to National Security News by the Oleksandr Merezhko, the chair of the Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Committee…
4,000 Brits told to leave Russia or end up in Putin’s army
Dual national Britons based in Russia face being called up to fight in Ukraine, western officials have warned An estimated 4,000 British people currently living in Russia have also been warned to leave the country as soon as possible. The…
Psych Ops: M15 creates elite “Minority Report” unit to counter Russian and Chinese infiltration threats
MI5 has created a new “Minority Report” research centre designed to combat the “insider threat” posed by traitors working for Russia and China. The top-secret unit will be staffed by a team of forensic and clinical psychologists under orders to…