National Security News

Reporting the facts on national security

National Security News


Reinventing Ana: The Stanford University graduate who rocked the British security establishment 

Ana was a star of the Stanford ski team, and a shooting champion at her private boarding school in Kent.

Honeytrap warning goes out to British military as China targets top officials

A Chinese honeytrap spy targeted a British Army officer in a hotel which is the former home of MI6.

Chinese spy convicted of snooping on US defence contractors

FORMER Chicago college student, Ji Chaoqun, has been convicted in Chicago of spying for Chinese intelligence services.

A downed Wall Street tycoon, a furious and very public court battle, and now allegations of Russian espionage added into the mix

Explosive claims have emerged from the Ukraine that a former model who accused one of the most powerful men on Wall Street of multiple sexual assaults, is a Russian spy. The intelligence arm of Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence published a…

Senior civil servants in Germany accused of working for Putin against own ministry – secret service investigating

TWO Russian spies have reportedly been unearthed working at the heart of Germany’s Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs. The pair are both senior civil servants under the country’s current economy minister Robert Habeck, having also worked under his predecessor Peter…

Homeland Security agents charged with accessing passport database to help China target and harass dissidents

A decorated former Homeland Security agent recruited serving colleagues to access secure government databases so he could help China track down and harass US-based dissidents, according to court papers. Derrick Taylor, 60, who is now working as a private investigator,…

Did Russian spymasters kill the husband of their superspy to create the perfect widow socialite cover?

OLGA Kolobova will go down as a hero in her native Russia as the superspy who used the cover of a widow socialite to dupe NATO officials in Naples. Using the fictitious name Maria Adela Kuhfeldt Rivera – Maria Adela…

Ireland – Russia’s spy central

Accessing EU correspondence, targeting US tech firms operating in the South, and infiltrating UK companies in Northern Ireland and mainland Great Britain, former military intelligence officer Philip Ingram explains why Russian spies have been in the news in Ireland, and…

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy … she’s slipped Away … err bye

The UK is facing the international embarrassment of having to concede that an SRA-regulated lawyer, whom MI5 outed as an agent of the Chinese state, has vanished with the authorities unable to land a proverbial glove on her.  Six months…