National Security News

Reporting the facts on national security

National Security News

Month: June 2024

Is Zuma and MK planning another insurrection in South Africa with the Russian GRU’s support?

Opinion Piece, NSN Colonel Nikolai Tsybulia, ostensibly the Defence Attaché at the Russian Embassy in South Africa, at first glance appears to be every bit an officer of the Russian Naval Infantry, often called the Russian Marines by Westen military…

SAMIM withdrawal from Cabo Delgado: uncomfortable truths

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) military mission in Mozambique (SAMIM), which was deployed on 15 July 2021 to fight the Islamic insurgents terrorising the northern Cabo Delgado province is scheduled to end by mid-July 2024. Mozambican security forces will…

Russian warships and a nuclear submarine will visit Cuba amid rising tensions with the US.

Four Russian warships and a nuclear-powered submarine will enter Cuban waters next week as part of a preplanned set of military exercises between the two countries.The disclosure immediately drew comparisons with the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 when the then…

Russia’s disinformation campaigns intensify ahead of Paris Olympics 2024

As the world eagerly anticipates the start of the 2024 Paris Olympics next month, a darker shadow looms over the festivities. The Microsoft Threat Analysis Centre (MTAC) has sounded the alarm on a significant uptick in malign influence campaigns orchestrated…

ANC Favours Unity Government, Voters Want ANC-DA Coalition – Survey

SRF survey found strong support among ANC and DA voters for a coalition between the two parties.

No Need to Panic About Political Stability in South Africa; Its Democracy Is Evolving – Moeletsi Mbeki

I don’t see any reason for panic about South Africa’s political stability after the ANC lost its majority.

DA Won’t Serve in South African Unity Government with Populists – MP Werner Horn

DA did not want to be in a situation where “the ANC, because of our unwillingness, is driven into the arms of the EFF and MK.”

Iran’s Hardliners Vie for Presidency as the Country Faces Severe Internal and External Challenges

Since the death of Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi, political uncertainty has run riot in Iran. In this article, which we are republishing with The Conversation’s permission, Afshin Shahi, Associate Professor in Middle East Politics & International Relations at Keele University,…

Fighting Fire with Fire: Our Policy of Deterrence Towards Iran Lies in Tatters – Why the West Must Start Fighting Back

With Iran continuing its sabre-rattling in the Middle East, NSN speaks with Henry Jackson Society Senior Research Fellow Barak Seener, at the launch of his new report, Restoring Deterrence: Destabilising the Iranian Regime, where Seener calls for a new Iran…

Chinese mercenaries are fighting for Russia in Ukraine.

Former members of the Chinese Army are fighting for Russia in Ukraine as part of an international force of mercenaries recruited by the Kremlin.Videos on social media have allegedly shown two former members of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) recalling…