Jon Sweet and Mark Toth
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Media-led outrage over pilots and other service personnel working overseas may be missing the point.
Part IV: Who Shall Separate Us? The “China” Challenge Facing King Charles
How Prince Charles and the Prime Minister must together thwart China.
By yielding Commonwealth markets to Beijing, the UK risks unnecessarily diminishing King Charles’ future influence across the African continent.
Part II: Beijing’s extraordinary mission to unseat King Charles as Head of the Commonwealth
Xi is waging a high-stakes hostile takeover attempt of the Commonwealth.
Part I: Republicanism and “An ever changing future.”
As the recently departed Queen Elizabeth II ascended the throne on her Coronation Day on June 2nd 1953, she spoke memorably of the living strength of the Commonwealth, as well as of “societies old and new; of lands and races…
Biden’s ‘just enough’ strategy is subverting Zelensky’s capacity to close out Russia in Ukraine
by Jonathan Sweet and Mark Toth, Guest Authors General George Patton once famously stated that, “Nobody ever defended anything successfully, there is only attack and attack and attack some more.” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his military leadership, valiantly, are…
Zaporizhzhia Putin’s Nuclear Force Z
Updated: Putin is widening his weaponization of the ZNPP and there are breaking news reports alleging Russia has told workers not to show up on Friday, August 19th — and that Russia is threatening to shut down the ZNPP entirely….