National Security News

Reporting the facts on national security

National Security News

Isabella Egerton

Saudi Arabia’s Nuclear Plans Raise Fears of Middle East Arms Race

With Saudi Arabia making clear its desire for nuclear power, the Middle East could find itself on the brink of a nuclear arms race, a situation in which the Kingdom could leverage its relations with the United States and China…

PKK Terrorist Attack Threatens Regional Stability & Swedish NATO Membership

On Sunday 1 October, Turkey confirmed launching airstrikes on militant targets in northern Iraq and making arrests in Istanbul, shortly after Kurdish militants claimed responsibility for their first bomb attack on Turkey’s capital in years, which detonated near government buildings…

The Unwavering Spirit of Jimmy Lai

Jimmy Lai’s 1,000 days in solitary confinement.

China’s 20th Communist Party Congress: Key Takeaways

As the week-long congress enters its final stages, Xi Jinping is intent on securing his place in history.

Storm Clouds Gather Over Xi Jinping Ahead of China’s 20th National Congress

The movers and shakers from the biggest political party in the world – the 96 million-members who make up the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) – will gather in Beijing this Sunday, and for one man among the 2,296 delegates it…

China’s treatment of Uyghurs may amount to crimes against humanity, says UN

CHINA has been accused by the United Nations of large scale imprisonment, systematic rape, enforced sterilisation, and torture against the Muslim Uyghurs and other minorities. An explosive report by Michael Bachelet, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, details credible…

Twitter purges fake Chinese Dragonbridge accounts

Attempts by a pro-China group to spark a boycott of western competitors in the Rare Earths market through a social media disinformation campaign have been dealt a severe and much-welcome body blow. National Security News can reveal that Twitter has…