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National Security News

United Kingdom

The British Army’s youngest Padre leads Baptisms in the field

Reverend Daniel Alcock (centre) baptised Colour Sergeant Grant of 4 SCOTS and Corporal Clarke of 21 Multi-Role Medical Regiment during a Field Service in Romania. (Source – British Army)

Reverend Daniel Alcock, aged 28, from Sunderland, is the youngest Padre in the British Army and only commissioned into the Royal Army Chaplains’ Department (RAChD) in May last year.

Holding the rank of captain but known as Padre to the soldiers, he is on his very first overseas deployment, Exercise Steadfast Dart 25.

Deployed as the Padre to the 4th Battalion, The Royal Regiment of Scotland, Padre Alcock said: “Exercise Steadfast Dart has likely been the most memorable venture in my inaugural year. 

Travelling to Romania with my brigade to live in ‘heated tents’ will be hard to forget. 

“I was fortunate to lead baptisms in the field, with my weekly services attracting around 60 people a week.

“Since exercises do not deploy with a unit welfare officer, it is providing a unique opportunity to test and challenge my skillset with an increased workload in a new environment.”

He added: “Exercise Steadfast Dart has been the big test of my first year, having to rethink how to offer credible faith experiences with the limitations of being away on exercise.”

Colour Sergeant Grant, 4th Battalion, the Royal Regiment of Scotland, is baptised during a Field Service in Romania. (Source – British Army)

Padre Alcock completed his BA Hons in Applied Theology at Moorlands College and originally trained for conventional church ministry.

He is due to finish his MA in Theology and Ministry at Durham University this academic year and graduate in January 2026.

He spent five years co-leading a church in Sunderland city centre, but the Covid pandemic brought many changes to the area.

When asked why he joined the British Army he said: “It was my work in the Immigration Removal Centre where the thought of joining the Armed Forces was instilled.

“There are lots of veterans that work in custodial environments, and I could always tell who they were as they would refer to me as ‘Padre’ – a term I had never experienced before.

Captain Daniel Alcock (c) baptises Corporal Clarke of 21 Multi-Role Medical Regiment. (Source – British Army)

“Over the course of two years, the staff team encouraged me to apply to be a Royal Army Chaplain, despite my age.

“It was very encouraging to have been encouraged to apply from people, sometimes irreligious, who had previously hugely benefited from the work of Padres they had met in years past and that they thought I could also wear the mantle.”

Given Padre Alcock’s youthful age, he was in the unique position to apply as a ‘regular’ officer or join the RAChD. 

Padre Alcock said: “The question was not can I be a Christian and serve in the Army, but rather I am a Christian and how do I want to serve?

“There are many fantastic cap badges and roles to explore but the role of a Padre seemed like such a natural next step progression from the state-funded faith-based work which I had previously loved.” Almost as if my last role had prepped me for what I am doing now.”

The purpose of the RAChD is to care for the Army’s people. Chaplains, who are Professionally Qualified Officers, deliver pastoral care to everyone, provide, or facilitate spiritual support and give moral guidance to the whole force and their families irrespective of faith or status.

Surprising Padre Alcock most about being part of the Army is the range of personalities. He believes there is great unity, but not uniformity, in the plethora of personalities found on the camp. 

He concluded: “There are people from all walks of life, united in the thought of serving their country, bringing their skills, talents, and gifts to make regiments as effective as possible. 

“Serving in the Army has made my life feel bigger and happier, and with more possibility for what the future will hold.

“I’m healthier, travelling and making friends for life. I’m unsure where it leads, but keen to stick around.”