National Security News

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National Security News


Biden’s ‘just enough’ strategy is subverting Zelensky’s capacity to close out Russia in Ukraine

by Jonathan Sweet and Mark Toth, Guest Authors General George Patton once famously stated that, “Nobody ever defended anything successfully, there is only attack and attack and attack some more.” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his military leadership, valiantly, are…

From Russia without love – notorious hacking group Killnet target private and state institutions in Estonia In biggest cyber attack since 2007 

Pro-Russian hackers Killnet have again reminded the world that the war with Ukraine is not just being fought on the ground. This week, Killnet blitzed a wave of public and private websites in Estonia in the biggest cyber-attack of its…

Zaporizhzhia Putin’s Nuclear Force Z

Updated: Putin is widening his weaponization of the ZNPP and there are breaking news reports alleging Russia has told workers not to show up on Friday, August 19th — and that Russia is threatening to shut down the ZNPP entirely….

Cyber groups supporting Ukraine

Anonymous “We are officially in a cyber war against the Russian government.”  Anonymous had pledged its full support for Ukraine. It has since targeted Russian-state controlled international television network RT,   IT army of Ukraine  On the 26th of February,  Vice…

Live updates: recent cyber attacks Russia/Ukraine

20 May 2022 Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the number of cyber-attacks on Russia has increased since the start of the war, and that Russia must strengthen defences by reducing the use of foreign software and hardware and switching…