National Security News

Reporting the facts on national security

National Security News


WHO worries over new DRC MPOX strain, confidence in South African containment 

22 cases of MPOX have been identified in South Africa leading to three deaths. 16 patients have recovered and three are considered as ‘active cases.’

‘Bizarre’ Coup by US Nationals Foiled in DRC, Threatening Western Interests – Daniel van Dalen, Signal Risk 

A coup attempt against President Félix Tshisekedi’s government in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has been foiled, resulting in three deaths.

A Sanctioned Airline and it’s Shadowy Founder: Savelyev’s Aviation Empire Raises Red Flags for the West

In the midst of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) conflict, the spotlight falls on Aviacon Zitotrans, a Russian cargo airline entangled in controversy. Steering this entity is Valery Savelyev, a figure with a complex past intertwining business, politics,…

The Russian Military Provides an Air Bridge for the ANC’s offensive Against M23 in the DRC

While the west has been focussed on the crisis in the Middle East and the war in Ukraine, Russia is becoming increasingly involved in the seemingly endless conflict between the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and various rebel militias…

“Nobody said two” – NSN Stands By Report on SANDF Soldiers in DRC

NSN notes the SANDF press statement of 3 April in response to NSN’s 2 April reporting on SANDF personnel being held in M23’s custody in the DRC. NSN is an independent publication that fact checks its reporting rigorously. NSN’s reporting…

South African soldiers surrender to M23 in the DRC and are taken as prisoners

Senior East-African government sources have told NSN that several South African soldiers, deployed by the ANC Government into the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) as part of an ill equipped and ill prepared force, surrendered to M23 rebels this…