National Security News

Reporting the facts on national security

National Security News

Month: May 2024

Putin’s Cabinet Reshuffle: Strategy to Intensify Ukraine Conflict

President Vladimir Putin has replaced his defence minister in what is seen as a strategy to intensify his war on Ukraine.

Russia is recruiting far-Right extremists to carry out attacks in the UK and Nato countries

Russia is recruiting far-Right extremists to carry out attacks in the UK and Nato countries, National Security News has learned.Intelligence sources have said that terrorists recruited by Russian GRU agents have been responsible for a series of attacks in Western…

Russian spy expelled from the UK.

The Russian agent expelled from Britain for spying is Maxim Elovik, an intelligence officer working under the cover of the defence attaché to the UK.Elovik – who has been in Britain for around a decade – is believed to be…

Ukraine Seeks South African Assistance in Repatriating Abducted Children, and Soldiers from Russia 

In June 2023, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa embarked on a peace mission to Ukraine and Russia, aiming to initiate negotiations to end the Russian-Ukrainian war. The delegation, which included the heads of state from Egypt, Senegal, Congo-Brazzaville, Comoros, Zambia,…

Ukraine Strengthens Ties with Africa: Increased Grain Exports & New Embassies

Ukraine is intensifying its engagement with Africa through the expansion of its grain exports and the establishment of new embassies across the continent. A crucial aspect of this outreach involves inviting journalists from Africa to visit Kyiv.

Report Warns: Over 16 Billion Political Robocalls Target Americans as Deepfake Threat Looms Over 2024 Elections 

Americans have already received over 16 billion political robocalls this year, and scammers are poised to plague the 2024 elections with the latest AI deceptions and deepfake tricks, according to a report released by Transaction Network Services (TNS). As the…

Does the UK need an Israeli-style Air Defence Dome?

British defence chiefs are considering plans to develop an Israeli-style air defence dome amid fears that the UK could be targeted by long range missiles and attack drones. Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, the Chief of the Defence Staff and the…

“I don’t buy the idea of the militarization of the Moon” – Dr John Plumb, US Assistant Secretary for Space Diplomacy 

mid concerns that China’s Change’e 6 mission to the moon, launched on May 3, could be a part of a strategy to militarise the moon, Dr John Plumb, the Assistant Secretary of Defence for Space Policy at the U.S Department of Defence, said, “I do not buy the idea of the militarisation of the moon.” He expressed his belief that space could instead serve as a significant platform for diplomacy with China. On the threat of nuclear weapons in space, Dr Plumb said the Defence Department (DOD) was taking the threat of Russia sending a nuclear head into space very seriously,” and added that no space-faring nation should entertain such a capability due to its catastrophic implications. Regarding the threat of cyber-attacks in space, Dr Plumb suggested that constellations of low-orbit satellites could provide a solution to ensuring satellite safety and said that the DOD is exploring other potential applications of low-orbit satellites

China Woos the West as Xi Meets with Western Leaders

As China’s foreign policy becomes more aggressive and centralised, the world is seeing a new international order. In this article, published originally by The Conversation, Professor of International Security Stefan Wolff explores how Xi’s meetings with foreign leaders shows China’s…

CIA Director William Burns Arrives in Cairo with Egyptian Officials to Reach a Deal 

Israel has given Hamas a one-week ultimatum, presenting the militant group with a choice between agreeing to a hostage deal or facing a potential ground invasion of Rafah against the terror group’s remaining strongholds in Gaza.  CIA Director William Burns…