National Security News

Reporting the facts on national security

National Security News



Turing Institute: AI Supercharges Intelligence Analysis, But Mitigating Bias is Key

In a bid to bolster national security decision-making processes, the United Kingdom has embarked on a comprehensive assessment of the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in strategic intelligence analysis. A report authored by the independent Centre for Emerging Technology and…

INDIA: AI Dominates the World’s Biggest Election as Bollywood Deepfakes Target Voters

As India’s general election unfolds, the proliferation of deepfake videos endorsing political parties and candidates has ramped up, particularly with the recent spotlight on manipulated videos featuring Bollywood celebrities. This surge in deepfake manipulation coincides with reports from McAfee, indicating…

Election Disinformation and the AI Threat – How can you protect yourselves?

As several major elections draw near, the threat from malicious AI bots, created and run by hostile actors intent on manipulating peaceful and democratic elections, grows. New AI tech has hijacked social media platforms to spread disinformation, swaying opinion and…

Recent Conflict a Red Alert for Global Military AI Safety

Imagine a battlefield where lightning-fast algorithms decide who lives and dies. That’s the chilling vision some experts held as artificial intelligence (AI) began infiltrating warfare. But recent reports like Israel’s alleged use of AI in targeting operations within Gaza, and…


Taming the Battlefield Machine: US Partner with Austria, Bahrain, Canada, and Portugal for Safer Military AI

As the battlefield is becoming increasingly dominated by lines of code and algorithms, with artificial intelligence (AI) rapidly transforming modern warfare, a recent international conference, with delegates from 60 countries, takes on a critical challenge. The United States, joining forces…

Election Looms: US States Race to Contain AI Manipulation

As the countdown to the next presidential election is well and truly on, states across the US are gearing up for an epic battle against the rising tide of AI manipulation, particularly deepfakes. Recently, Indiana and New Mexico made headlines…

NSN Launches ‘Deepfakin’ Democracy’

In 2024, the global political stage is buzzing with anticipation as national elections are either concluded, scheduled or expected in a staggering 64 countries, including the European Union. This collective represents nearly half of the world’s population, making it the…

The Rise of Deepfakes in Political Campaigns: Ethics, Manipulation, and AI Uprising

The political arena has become ground zero for an AI (Artificial Intelligence) uprising, with deepfake technology rewriting the rules of the game. From resurrecting dead politicians to shaping the narratives of imprisoned leaders, these digital manipulations are not just unsettling;…

The Two Sides of the Coin: AI in the Wars of the Middle East

The past year’s wars in the Middle East have long been complex and devastating, shaped by a multitude of factors. In recent years, a new player has emerged on the battlefield: artificial intelligence (AI). AI’s role in these conflicts is…

Europol’s Report Unveils Escalating Online Fraud Threat

Europol’s latest report, dubbed “Online Fraud Schemes: A Web of Deceit,” has sounded an alarm on the intensifying threat of online fraud. This eye-opening report unveils the multifaceted evolution of fraud and the far-reaching impact on both the European Union…